Hello, I'm Yutaki
Take a Peek at my OOC Info

-Yutaki's FFXIV OOC Info For RP & More-

About Me

Nice to meet you!

  • Name: I'm Yutaki! Or any variation of nickname you can come up with from that really :D You may also call me by my real name Anja (アンヤ), as it can get a bit confusing when my OCs share the same name.

  • Language: I come from Germany so my English is sometimes a bit broken. I also speak some Japanese and a few phrases in other languages but am certainly not fluent in any of them ;D

  • Age: I'm in my late 20s

  • Hobby: I've been RPing for 15 years now! I also love gaming, drawing, playing the piano, writing and reading.

  • Character: I can be a bit shy and nervous even if it may not seem like it, haha. That being said I still always love to make new friends, just please understand that I may be socially exhausted pretty fast and if I ever cut talks short it's not because I don't like you or you annoy me.

About RP

General Info

  • Where To Find Me: I only have Characters on the EU Server Light and am mostly on Lich.

  • Time Zone: Germany, CET or GMT+1

  • Languages: German & English

  • Active Gaming Hours: Varying a lot but usually 8pm CET till I go to sleep.

  • Place to RP: I prefer Discord Servers but also have no problem RPing in-game.

  • RP Style: Usually I adjust to my RP Partner, both in style and length, however my favorite way to write is Literate Style, gladly with several paragraphs. However in-game I find Illiterate or Illiterate incorporating emotes easier at times.

  • RP Hours: With long-term RPs I tend to write sometime during the day, in between chores, but I am also open to have a set time where we answer each other, like a writing date :D For short-term I prefer setting a date too, as I rarely have time spontaneously, though you can always ask of course.

  • RP Themes: I enjoy all sort of themes, from short one-offs like a fight or casual chatter to long-term stories of adventure or romance. Light or Dark Themes are also both welcome!

  • RP Verses: Be it as close to FFXIV Lore as possible, some Lore Bending or a complete AU, I am open to RP it, as long as it strikes me as interesting!

  • Shipping: If they have chemistry I'll gladly ship our Muses, but I am not keeping them exclusive outside of our RP. Different Verses for different Ships!

  • Contact: I like keeping contact OOC especially with long-term RPs and am gladly friends with my Play Partners.


  • Boundaries: While I am open to pretty much all subject matter and enjoy writing darker themes (Violence, Sex, Drugs, etc.) not everyone can handle these, which is why I either want a safe word for RP or talk about potentially harmful themes OOC before implementing them.

  • Positives & Negatives: If you want to we can exchange lists of Favorite Tropes, Kinks, Squicks & Triggers before writing to better cater to each other.

  • Open Communication: The only thing I insist on is open communication. Whether you have a problem with what is happening in the RP or with my writing please tell me. I'd never be angry at anything, I just want to know what is going on ❤

  • Spontaneity: If you want to RP with me please contact me with a /tell or outside of the game first. Most of the time I won't be able to drop everything spontaneously start RPing sadly, but you can always ask!

  • ERP: I enjoy eRP, especially when our Characters have chemistry or a story together, however I will ONLY write Romance and eRP with Muses and Muns of age. No exceptions. Though I do write normal RP Themes with people of every age of course!

  • God Modding: Doing things to or assuming reactions of my character should be kept at a minimum or discussed OOC first please.

  • Metagaming: All Info you get on my Characters in their profile is for OOC purposes, you can't know most of them IC.

  • IC≠OOC: I am not my Muses and I want my Play Partners to remember that please! Nothing they say or do reflects what I think, including falling in love with your character or hating them.

Looking For

  • In General: I'm looking for relaxed people who enjoy getting creative and focus on Character interaction & chemistry.

  • NSFW: I prefer our characters having a story together but am also up to sole eRP. All further info on this can be found on my F-List Account.

  • NPCs: I love RPing with FFXIV Characters, be it minor or major NPC. As such I am looking for a Mun who likes writing NPCs to interact with my Muses. I'm definitely willing to write NPCs of my own in exchange too.

  • Stories & Concrete Ideas: While I have ideas for Stories and Verses for my Muses writing them all down would be excessive. All of them focus on character interaction anyways, so like I said in the above point I am looking for people to get creative with and build a RP that caters to both our interests.

About Screenies

  • General: I absolutely love taking Screenshots and will gladly take some together with you!

  • Schedule: As always I can rarely make time spontaneously, so please let me know ahead so we can both find a date where we are both free.

  • Server: I am only on Light Server so far. However I am definitely willing to replicate my Characters on other Servers if we get along well.

  • Glamours: I also adore making outfits, so if you ever need any help with that just hit me up!

  • Mods: If you have certain mods on your Character or that you wanna use during a shoot please let me know in advance so I can get them too! If you want to I'll give you mine in return.

About Housing

  • General: Housing is my second love in this game, after Glamours, I'd be happy if you'd visit me!

  • Help: I can help with some decisions. If we are friends I can also teach you to glitch or do that for you if it's just something small.

  • Crafting: If you need something crafted give me the Materials and I'll gladly help. Alternatively you can also pay me to get them if the MB prices are too high.

  • Commission: I haven't done any Housing Commissions yet but am eager to start! I'll post a link to my portfolio here soon.

About Drawing

  • Drawing: I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil and have been working to make it my career :D If you wanna check my stuff out just click the pictures below!

  • Requests: I don't do requests. Sorry. If you are a good friend of mine you may ask me to draw something, however that isn't guaranteeing that I'll actually do it.

  • Commissions: Closed ATM

About Gaming

  • General: I play FFXIV mostly casually for the MSQ, Stories and Fun :D

  • Duties: I have pretty much everything unlocked and can do farming if it is for Glams. I only don't do current Savage, Ultimate and Deep Dungeons.

  • IC & OOC Jobs: I can play all 3 Roles on my Main. My favorite Jobs are White Mage, Monk, Dancer & Dark Knight! However in RP my Muses only know a job as listed to not bend lore too much.

About Contact

  • General: You can gladly contact me in-game or on one of the websites linked at the bottom.

  • Responses: It may take me some time to respond to you, as my schedule is pretty busy and I only have so much social energy. But don't worry I will answer when I can!

  • Friendship: I am big on OOC contact and communication during RPs. So I'm definitely open to becoming friends and getting along ❤

About Mod Support

  • General: If anything is broken or not working with my Mods I'm always happy to fix it or help you troubleshoot! Just lemme know by following one of the links below and shoot me a message.

  • Requests: Be it Editing one of my Mods to your liking or Combining your Textures with mine I'll gladly help out for a Ko-Fi ❤

  • Commissions: I do not have a Commission Sheet yet but I do all kinds of Texures like Makeup, Face Paints, Tattoos and Scales for little money!

  • Contact:

  • Discord Username: yutaki_

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